R&D Project 3:
Integration of a flexible, silicon embedded CMOS pixel sensor assembly into a prototype ladder for micro-vertex detection

Research Objective

The integration of a flexible, silicon embedded CMOS sensor assembly into a prototype pixel ladder for microvertex detection is the reseach objective of this task. The technical tasks to achieve include the high-precision placement of the active part of the detector onto a support structure, achieving excellent heat evacuation and sufficient rigidity, and the evaluation of technologies allowing to reduce the inactive area between individual sensor chips. A alternative approach is planned to be explored as a fallback solution if the new technology will not be available in time.


GUF Frankfurt (J. Stroth, activity leader), IMEC Leuven (P. De Moor)


Task Nr. Task name Participants
P3/T1 Evaluation of mechanical + electrical properties embedded chip assembly. GUF, IMEC
P3/T5 Integration of the prototype assembly into the detector ladder GUF, IMEC
P3/T2 Study of suitability for operation in vacuum and under cryogenic operation. GUF
P3/T3 Preparation of CVD diamond or TPC/RVC compound support structures GUF
P3/T4 Design of the prototype chip assembly GUF, IMEC


Tasks 2012 2013 2014
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Integration of prototype assembly on detector ladder X X X X X X X X X X X 3
Evaluation of the mechanical and electrical properties X X X 1                
CVD diamond or TPC/RVC compound support structures X X X X X X X 2        

  1. Evaluation of the mechanical and electrical properties
  2. Preparation of CVD diamond or TPC/RVC compound support structures
  3. Integration of the prototype assembly to the detector ladder


Report on the performance of the prototype ladder under test beam. Summary of design specifications and guidelines for the design of the final micro vertex detector.

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-- JohannMHeuser - 01 Feb 2012

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Topic revision: 2012-02-02, JohannMHeuser
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